Laminate with Iron | How to laminate even without a laminator

Do you need to laminate something and do not have a laminator at home? Try laminating with an iron. Laminators cost something and you don’t need them every day, so we are not surprised that most people do not have this tool for sealing foils at home. But if you need to laminate something at home, an iron and laminating foils will suffice. The result is not perfect as when using a laminator, but for some purposes it is sufficient.

Caution: Not suitable for laminating photos. You really prefer to use a laminator for photos



Laminate with Iron | How to laminate even without a laminator
Laminate with Iron | How to laminate even without a laminator

Do you need to laminate something and do not have a laminator at home? Try laminating with an iron. Laminators cost something and you don't need them every day, so we are not surprised that most people do not have this tool for sealing foils at home. But if you need to laminate something at home, an iron and laminating foils will suffice. The result is not perfect as when using a laminator, but for some purposes it is sufficient.

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